漢方の基礎知識4「陰陽とは」|Kampoful Life by クラシエの漢
Originally, the word “小人 (xiǎorén)” had several meanings. In ancient China, it referred to the common people, those with a limited knowledge base and also was what one。
江蘇宜興一名機車騎士去年9月載著朋友在馬路上行駛,與一條突然衝出來的流浪狗相撞後摔車,導致他與朋友均受傷。長期餵食流浪狗的「愛心人士 ...
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成語: 瓜瓞延祥 [常用題辭表],釋義: 用於祝賀人得孫子的賀辭。瓜瓞,比喻子孫繁盛,傳世久遠。瓞,音ㄉㄧㄝˊ。語出《詩經.大雅.綿》:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。
陰と陽 人間 - 生肖龍喜用字 -